1:名無し募集中。。。:2013/06/30(日) 15:09:56.22 ID:0
Someone said on youtube's comment
Ishida drops her hair ornament at the dance battle-->
Just before "kayowaki otome" Oda points to it, eye contact w/ everyone -->
Just before "kayotteru school" Kudo sees it, sits on it to hide it from audience -->
Ikuta confirms the target on "Kenageni" -->
Ikuta kicks it out of the stage at "Hitomishiri"
3:名無し募集中。。。:2013/06/30(日) 15:16:58.90 ID:0
To be realistic, didn't Ikuta kick it just because it was in her way? Even that too seems like a coincidence
4:名無し募集中。。。:2013/06/30(日) 15:18:57.16 ID:0
Just saw it but it was a nice kick